

Hosting a workshop is a great way to get people excited and educated about voting. We’ve run workshops where participants create one or all of these things - vote tote bags, political and issue based buttons, GOTV posters, why I vote signs, and the every popular zine.

Start with one or more of these fun workshop activities and while people are creating their masterpieces it’s a great time to have them double check their voter registration or register to vote at Help them find their polling place
Share our printable and foldable zine where the parties stand on the issues guide to help them plan their vote with one of our state specific voting guides.

Want to host a workshop to help inspire and educate people about voting? Use our how-to videos and printable zines and documents to help you. First up, zine-making.

Want to show your support for an issue or candidate? Make a custom button or badge.

Click below for our printable guides. They are zines, so print on both sides of the paper, fold in half, and then fold again for a pocket sized guide!.